Recommit, Restore, and Renew
Do you know that the average couple waits 6 years after the start of marital problems before getting professional help. The results of that choice provide time for the conflict to devolve into criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling. Earlier intervention and sustained behavioral change will reduce the potential for divorce and relational chaos. Why not attend a seminar that will help you and your spouse identify your strengths, highlight issues that need attention, and develop a set of goals that you can work together to achieve? Recommit, Restore, and Renew is based on the Bible, personalized just for you, and will provide specific time for you grow together in Christ.

Have you registered for this seminar? If so, are you ready to take your assessment?
Are you ready to register for this marriage changing seminar?
If you have questions about the seminar
This seminar will do more than just help you! The Institute for Family Studies concludes that the transitions of divorce to single parenting and divorce to remarriage statistically impact children’s ability to be determined to learn, their experience of sadness, worry, and withdrawal, and their prevalence of behaviors that require out of school suspension. In fact, students in the single-parent homes were twice as likely to be suspended from school, and students in blended families were three times as likely to be suspended from school when they were compared with those children who live with both parents in an intact family. Is it worth a weekend of your time to have a good check-up of your marriage and hopefully prevent chaos from starting or stopping it now?
What happens during the seminar?
In Short, we have fun! The seminar is full of laughter, and lively discussions, while looking at 10 specific issues that impact a couples ability to grow closer to each other. David and Cheryl Morrow provide an interactive presentation of each issue and then provide a time for each couple to have a private conversation about that issue and develop a written goal or goal ideas that translate into life application. The topics include the following:
- Prioritizing Your Marriage
- Communication, Confidentiality, and Trust
- Conflict Management
- Finances
- Your House Inc.
- Children, Stepchildren, and Discipline
- Physical and Emotional Health including drugs and alcohol
- Romance and Sex
- Spiritual Direction for Your Marriage
- The Future

How is the seminar personalized?

During the registration process, each individual is asked to complete a brief assessment. The assessment consist of a few basic questions, and then 20 one sentence statements. After answering the few basic questions, the person taking the assessment is asked to read each statement and give a 0-10 response to each statement with 10 indicating that she or he completely agrees with the statement. For example, here is the first sentence in the asessment: “I feel 100% safe emotionally, physically, and sexually in my marital relationship.” David and Cheryl Morrow will compile the information from your assessment and your spouse’s assessment and create a packet just for you and your spouse that highlights your strenghts, your areas that need attention, and an overall score of your marital satisfaction. The information in your personalized packet will be for your eyes only. You will not be required to share anything about the information in this packet with other couples.
How is the information from the assessment used in the seminar?
First, the assessments will give David and Cheryl Morrow a basic understanding about the relational health of each couple that is attending. This is important because relational struggles often become more difficult before they get better once the problem is mutually acknowledged. The assessment will ensure that a couple will not be at the seminar that really need a deeper level of intervention. For example, if a couple has a recent history of domestic violence, a marriage seminar may not be the best option. Second, the assessments will help David and Cheryl Morrow understand the needs of each couple and also the needs of the group of couples. Therefore, their presentation will be tailored to the needs of the specific group that is attending. The assessments give personalization to each couple, and the presentations are designed for each group that attends a particular seminar. You can be sure that the seminar will address the needs of each couple, and the group as a whole.
Who are the presenters?

David Morrow is an ordained minister, a licensed marriage and family therapist, an author, and a musician. July 6, 2021 was his 31st anniversary as a mental health professional. He is the CEO and Clinical Director of Olive Tree Family Counseling, PLLC. He provides about 1,000 hours of therapeutic services each year and working with couples is the thing he enjoys doing most. David has a son named Stephen who is 27 and enjoys living on the top of a mountain in Cullowhee NC. He has a daughter, Amanda, who is 25 and is working on a dual Masters of Divinity and Biblical Languages at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. You can learn more about David HERE, and see his full resume HERE.
In June 2021, Cheryl Morrow completed her 25th year as an elementary school teacher. She enjoys spending time with family, shopping, and looking for great deals on Facebook Marketplace. Cheryl is “over the moon excited” about her first grand baby that was born in January of 2021. Cheryl has a 21 year-old daughter, Caitlyn, who is preparing for a career in real estate, and a 17 year-old daughter, Caroline, that is a Senior in High School. You can learn more about Cheryl HERE, and see her resume HERE.
After separately struggling through the difficulties of divorce, David and Cheryl blended their families in June of 2016. Today, they enjoy weekend getways, developing this ministry, and chasing each other around the house. Learn more about their story HERE.
What are people saying about Recommit, Restore, and Renew?
Would you like to host this seminar?
Recommit, Restore, and Renew is typically hosted by churches or church sponsored camp settings. If you are interested in hosting a seminar, contact David Morrow at